Have you been to The Allentown Symphony? I have not. But an ad today caught my eye. I have two daughters, one is almost 2, the other is almost 4. So I am always looking for inexpensive activities to take them to. Well, The Allentown Symphony does something called The Musical Treasure Chest. It's for children ages 3-5. According to their website The Musical Treasure Chest is:
Designed to engage the youngest of music lovers, the
Allentown Symphony's Musical Treasure Chest provides a rich musical experience to children ages 3-5, beautifully interpreted by a master storyteller and the professional musicians of the Allentown Symphony Orchestra, with a new instrument featured every time! Performances are very casual, with the audience on the carpeted floor of the new Rodale Community Room on the 3rd floor of Symphony Hall. Best of all,
tickets are just $6 per person!Wow, $6 per person! That really is a great price, in my opinion. According to the website, every month they feature a different instrument. This month it happens to be the viola. This month it is being held on Thursday, March 19th at 9:30 am and 11:00 am and Saturday, March 21st at 10 am. I'm really looking forward to checking this out with my eldest daughter.